Washington DC is a city with many classic sights and architectural wonders - particularly the numerous majestic buildings. The US Capitol is one of those majestic buildings that any tourist must visit. . At the heart of the building is the Rotunda - a circular hall of 96 ft diameter. At the center, a 180 foot above on the ceiling is a massive fresco - ' The apotheosis of George Washington'. This mural consists of a portrait of the first President of the United States rising to the heavens flanked by the figures of Liberty/Authority and Victory/Fame.
The Apotheosis was painted in the true fresco technique by Constantino Brumidi in 1865. Brumidi (1805-1880) was
born and trained in Rome and had painted in the Vatican and Roman
palaces before emigrating to the United States in 1852. A master of
creating the illusion of three-dimensional forms and figures on flat
walls, Brumidi painted frescoes and murals throughout the Capitol from
1855 until his death.
If you are tourist on a Trip to DC, remember to book a guided tour into the US Capitol . This can be done online at http://www.visitthecapitol.gov/
US Capitol, Washington DC.
May 2011